A Tiny Snippet of his Work

Created by Stefanie one year ago

Paul Fry was a freelance editor, sub-editor, designer and author. Haven written and produced books, magazines, newsletters and football club match programmes (Stevenage FC) and set up websites.

His book titles include Egon Ronay restaurant guides, football books for Mirror Books plus Journeyman: Diana, Heysel and the Hand of God. Also Champions League magazines and pet guides.

He worked for Mail on Sunday since paper's launch, until June 2014, in sport and editorial systems, training and supporting staff on a number of DTP systems, including Quark and InDesign.

He later became as a world news editor for Pagemasters New Zealand and sub-editor with Pagemasters Australia and Pagemasters London, working on the Sunday and Daily Telegraph.

He managed to do a full circle returning to writing for the local newpaper at Derby Telegraph/ Burton Mail group, part of Reach plc (formerly Trinity Mirror).
